The Ultimate Dog Poop Guide

Yeah That’s right baby…. The ultimate guide to dog sh!***%t!

It’s all we ever seem to talk about morning, noon and night. My Pet Nutritionist get random pictures of dog pooh on our phones at all hours of the day from some people who have never contacted us before. Does this look right, it’s sloppy, a weird colour, there’s undigested stuff in it? It goes on and on and to be honest we love it, yeah you heard us, we love it. So the topic is a little different when you consider my last blog on genetic methylation and DAO production but it’s needed and perhaps handy to know.

It’s going to be short and sweet…smelling we hope!

Healthy pooh in colour and consistency can vary dependent on the kind of food you feed and any other issues or circumstances your dog can find itself in.

Stress and anxiety can cause an intense effect on the bowels, as can overeating, under eating, eating poor foods, reactive foods or other environmentals, dog’s with IBS (often linked to the point before), EPI (exocrine pancreatic insufficiency), bowel disorders and what I deem liver insufficiency. Around 70% of the immune system lies within the gut and our immune system is called upon all day every day so there’s a lot that comes into play when we talk about faeces. We release, as do our dogs, a huge amount of hormones, some very inflammatory to digest food. However, in general terms there are certain things to look out for and particular looking poohs, especially if consistent, that can tell us a lot about possible health and may need to be checked out by the vet.

Normal Dog Pooh

As I say, it varies dependent on what you feed and although I advocate general fresh feeding, I always see the best poohs on a raw food diet. It can vary from dog to dog and breed to breed. In general, colour should be medium brown, dry and almost chalky looking. Dog’s should extract a lot of moisture through the bowel rendering the pooh rather dry but not too hard. Boom a perfect pooh!

Red/Bloody Dog Pooh

This can indicate bleeding in the GI tract but usually from the intestines and anus. Streaks of blood may indicate rectal bleeding from straining, it could indicate inflammation such as colitis. In this instance there is usually mucus that streaks through the pooh also although this can be intermittent. It could also mean an anal gland infection or something more serious such as a tumour (please don’t worry this is far more rare). It’s always good for your vet to check for parasites also. Blood means inflammation which could have a number of causes. Always check with your vet if this is consistent.

Black/Dark Dog Pooh

Black stool in dogs may have a “tarry” type consistency and could be a sign of gastrointestinal bleeding from an abrasion, stomach ulcer or intestinal ulcer. It is usually from the stomach bleed as the fresher and brighter the blood the lower down the small intestinal tract it tends to be. Always check with your vet if this is consistent.

Pinky Purplish Dog Pooh

Please do remember that if you feed beetroot or poorly digested strawberry,raspberries etc, this can affect the colour of your dog’s pooh making it look pink/purplish. Anything that looks pink and jelly like could be something serious that could indicate hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (HGE). The latter isn’t meant to be ignored as dogs can die from this if left unattended.

Green Dog Pooh

Dog green pooh can be common if your dog eats large amounts of grass or a lot of undigested plant matter from their food. Grass is often eaten to cleanse, add additional chlorophyll, vits and mins in the diet and of course is just yummy to chew. However green pooh can also be a parasite or certain poisoning. If your dog has consistent green poop for a few days, you must see your vet.

Grey Dog Pooh

These soft,voluminous, often grey and sometimes greasy looking stools can indicate Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI,) also referred to as maldigestion. This is far more common than you can imagine and owners seem to get used to it as if it’s the norm. EPI is a disease in which the pancreas does not produce the necessary enzymes to digest fat/closely correlated with liver function. If your dog has consistent grey poop, you must see your vet.

Orange Dog Pooh

Orange pooh can indicate a liver issue, gallbladder or biliary disease. Bile is what changes pooh to the usual brown colour. If transit of pooh is too fast, it can be rather undigested and fat metabolism is not completed. In this case psyllium can be wonderful. If your dog has consistent orange pooh, you must see your vet.

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