Christmas Calm: Our Top Nutritional Tips to Support Your Canine

Christmas can be a little chaotic at the best of times; some of our companions love the attention from all the visitors, but some can get a little overwhelmed.  There are many strategies that we can employ for our furry friends to get through this time of year unscathed, but we can also support them nutritionally too!

Here are our top nutritional tips for canines this Christmas.

  1. Max Out On Magnesium!

Magnesium excretion is increased during times of stress. Catecholamines and corticosteroids enhance the shift of magnesium from inside the cell to outside of the cell leading to increased urinary excretion. In turn, low magnesium levels increase the release of stress-associated hormones. This unfortunately creates a cycle of a reduced resistance to stress.  Offer your dog plenty of magnesium rich foods like leafy greens, nuts and seeds.

  1. Time for Tea!

L-Theanine is seen to facilitate the generation of alpha waves which are indicative of a relaxed but awake and alert state. L-Theanine helps regulate the usual stress responses like increased blood pressure, heart rate and cortisol secretion and it’s found in our trusty tea!  Green tea packs the highest content, so brew up a cup of decaf and share it with your pooch this Christmas.

  1. Dose up on D!

Did you know that Vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased anxiety scores?  Whilst we know it plays a role in immune function, it also contributes to cognitive function along with mood and behaviour.  Add plenty of fresh foods containing Vitamin D to your dog’s bowl, including: liver, fish and eggs!  Mushrooms are a great source too, and if you keep them in the windowsill, you’ll get even more Vitamin D too!  Always remember to saute mushrooms before feeding.

  1. Build Up Your B’s!

B vitamins are heavily involved in the synthesis and breakdown of stress hormones.  Whenever we or our dogs are stressed, we release a cascade of hormones that help us manage the threat in front of us.  When the threat has passed, those hormones need to be broken down so our bodily functions can return to normal.  It goes without saying, the more often our bodies have to do this, the higher the demand for B vitamins (and more).  B vitamins are water-soluble, meaning they need to be replenished daily, and this is even without any stressors we may be facing.  Offer your dog plenty of sources of B vitamins in their bowls like seafood, poultry, red meat, leafy greens and seeds!

Our wonderful Calm Complex provides all of the above. br]‍
Calm Complex
My Pet Nutritionist has a supplement that can help with this, check out the following:

Calm Complex

Calm Complex is designed to help stressed and anxious cats and dogs. Crafted by our expert team of nutritionists and vets, this gentle supplement uses organic herbs to support the stress response and neurological system, making it perfect for even the most sensitive pets.

Buy Now From £35.00
  1. Fill up on Ferments!

This may not apply to all dogs; especially if you are tackling an itchy issue, but there is increasing data highlighting that poor microbial diversity in the gut is linked with increased scores of anxiety.  A great way to support microbial diversity is to ensure the diet contains both pre and probiotic foods.  Prebiotic sources include: mushrooms, dandelion greens, garlic, burdock root and more.  Probiotic foods include fermented products like kefir.

Aside from certain nutrients, we also know how important chewing is in engaging the parasympathetic nervous system – which is the rest and digest side of the stress response.  This is why offering whole foods, which take some chewing, is great for your dog’s physical and emotional health.

Why Dogs Need To Chew

Other top (non-nutritional) tips for supporting your overwhelmed canine this Christmas:

  • Set up a safe space – this can be a covered crate or simply a quiet spot somewhere in the house.
  • Try to maintain as much of the routine as possible,
  • Head out on walks when it’s quiet – when everyone is driving home for Christmas at the same time, it can get a little unnerving for your anxious pooch.

If you would like any support with your pets, then please check out our services.

Thanks for reading,

MPN Team

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