These babies hold such wonderful health and anti-inflammatory effect, mostly known to support joint health.
GLM’s contains around 90 different fatty acids, glycosaminoglycans (chondroitin sulphate), glutamine (a glycosaminoglycan precursor), vitamins C and E and minerals including zinc, copper and selenium. The synergy of these nutritional components work in perfect harmony to support joint and mobility issues in pet.
When looking at joint health you need to consider all mechanisms responsible for the disease and then how to address them. These 4 corners of joint health are all well covered by GLM’s:
Caution must be taken if you think there could be a shellfish allergy. If not, your pet just got real lucky!
In our professional opinion and years of using this ingredient, we can safely say it’s totally groovy and a much safer and effective alternative to NSAIDS in joint support!
A blog that, for a change, is short and sweet, just the way you like it!
MPN Team x
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GLM’s contains around 90 different fatty acids, glycosaminoglycans (chondroitin sulphate), glutamine (a glycosaminoglycan precursor), vitamins C and E and minerals including zinc, copper and selenium. The synergy of these nutritional components work in perfect harmony to support joint and mobility issues in pet.
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When looking at joint health you need to consider all mechanisms responsible for the disease and then how to address them. These 4 corners of joint health are all well covered by GLM’s:
- Inflammation; it’s generally the inflammation and rubbing of joints that create pain and stiffness. The fatty acids in green lipped mussels with EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexanoic acid) are the most abundant. These are the important fatty acids that are known to reduce inflammation. GLM’s are natural COX inhibitors just like NSAIDS (non-steroidalanti-inflammatory drugs), so they can obtain the same pain free results without the negative side effects. They are also natural LOX inhibitors too.
- Degradation; is the main reason for the breakdown of the joint matrix. The joint matrix and connective tissue need to be supported by components that replicate the structure of joints, naturally. GLMs are rich in glycosaminoglycans and glycosaminoglycan precursors, known as GAGs. An important GAG found in GLMs is chondroitin sulfate a well-documented structural ingredient for joint support.
- Oxidation; free radical damage can create more degradation and inflammation so we need to support this with natural antioxidants found in GLM. Vitamin C and E are both abundant in GLM’s and essential for joint care.
- Joint Lubrication; synovial fluid within the joint matrix is incredibly important to support cushioning and movement. Alterations in synovial fluid (SF) lipid composition have been linked to both osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). GLMs provide polysulfated glycosaminoglycans (PSGAGs), the building blocks for cartilage and joint fluid.
Caution must be taken if you think there could be a shellfish allergy. If not, your pet just got real lucky!
In our professional opinion and years of using this ingredient, we can safely say it’s totally groovy and a much safer and effective alternative to NSAIDS in joint support!
A blog that, for a change, is short and sweet, just the way you like it!
MPN Team x
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